
I am a hands-on management coach who focuses on people-first principles.

What I do

Grow your business and reduce your sense of stress and risk.

Where to next?

Quinn, the owner of a small but rapidly growing software company, feels a huge sense of satisfaction in the business. From humble beginnings as an idea to a profitable product, it's awesome to be able to call this a "job". Yet Quinn still feels uncertain about the next steps to take for the future growth and direction of the company.

Hold you accountable to lead.

Do less, guide more.

Sam, the optimistic CTO, agrees to more work than the team can handle, creating immense pressure and stress as they struggle to meet ambitious goals. This leads to frustration and burnout, as the team feels they are not working fast enough and are constantly falling behind.

Support you on your journey.

Trust your instincts.

Taylor, a top performer recently promoted to manage a small team, struggles to understand why their team isn't meeting A-caliber standards. This leads to frustration and self-doubt about their leadership abilities.

How I work

My coaching practice centers on planning, protocol and patience. From there, I meet you wherever you are on your journey—building, running or scaling your team.

Coaching is about our relationship together and the first step is an intro.

Let's talk

We'll plan what the business needs and where it's headed.


Leading successful teams requires having a clear strategy that defines goals, responsibilities, and deadlines. It's equally important to communicate this strategy effectively to team members, ensuring they understand their roles and collaborate towards shared objectives.

We'll create a structure that works for your team.


The structure of how you work is critical to successful teams. If people don't have clear rules on how they work, they can't maximize their potential, leading to confusion and inefficiency.

We'll slow down.


It's crucial for leaders to rise to the challenge of embracing patience and slowing down. By doing so, you'll allow team members to take ownership and steadily work towards shared goals with confidence.

About me

Coaching has been a critical part of my career and still is today. (Yes, I have a "coaching coach"!)

My guidance comes from first-hand experience: I've bootstrapped and exited two software companies. The biggest thrill of my career has been creating a people-first environment and watching team members succeed.

I want to share what I've learned to help leaders build their own great teams.

I live in southern Vermont. I ski as much as possible in the winter; the summer is for cycling and hiking.

Let's talk

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